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For years I’ve been working on a simple concept that has been hard to put into words.

It’s a state of being that I believe our technology reaches towards. Because I couldn’t originally get the domain name I was looking for, I worked that into my definition as well.

TEchnology + KNOwledge + PAGAN = teknopagan

Using that, I decided that the symbol word tekn was the name of this concept.

distinctive + practical + adaptable + poetic

meant to be used & subject to change

improved when possible

simple over complicated

Not everything has tekn. But when all the elements are in play, it’s something more than you expect. And yes, it’s rare.

While I look for tekn, this blog looks at the technology that I find amazing. It gives the practical tips and hacks that I’ve found. I give my opinion on technology.

We should talk about cosplay a bit. While cosplay tends to be heavy on the distinctive and occasionally the poetic, it’s meant to show off, not to be used and it’s not adaptable. Cosplay is definitely not tekn.

On the other hand, one of my favorite EDC tools is an original Leatherman. Heavy on the practical and adaptable, and at the time very distinctive, but it has no aesthetic. It’s not tekn.