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The local cable internet service keeps getting worse and worse.

This last week, on a "good" day, the download speed was around .6 megabits per second. Often it dropped to .07 and sometimes to .02 or lower.

Mind you, the advertised speed for the area is 5 to 10 megabits per second.

Although I can't prove it, it would not surprise me if Cable One was taking internet capacity from my town and transferring it to other small towns. Why should they care? In less than a couple of weeks everything will be transferred to another company.

And apparently the entire town now lives in Safford according to the internet.

I may have some performance issues with my Apple Airport Express router. I have to unplug and replug the Airport every day or so. I thought I had some issues with an Apple Airport Extreme. I have a new Airport Express fresh out of the box. But I can't diagnose without a steady internet.

If the internet is going to be steady, I want to move the cable modem and whatever Airport I end up using. If I don't have to constantly reset the modem, it doesn't need to be as accessible. I also want to remove the digital signal booster. I shouldn't need it if the new company delivers on it's promises.

Plus, I want to put the printer on the wireless network instead of connected to the Airport. I have a new ScanSnap wireless scanner that I also want to put on the WiFi. But I do not want to set up the new "permanent" network until I have a decent cable internet signal.

The more I have researched Cable One online, the worse things I have found. As nearly as I can tell, they usually get an "exclusive franchise" for an area. Which means no competition and no incentive for Cable One to make things right. Which means customers don't get what they want.

Do not use Cable One. Ever. If your town has one of these exclusive franchise agreements, do everything you can to get it changed.

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