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Soft tool

Years ago I was privileged to help with a Sunship Earth program. That’s where I learned to appreciate the bandana, the ultimate soft tool.

It’s not quite a towel, but it’s still incredibly useful. I often use it as a headband to keep the sweat out of my eyes and off my glasses.

But I discovered something very early. It can be a bandana or it can be a handkerchief. It can’t be both.

Once I found that I preferred hankies over tissues, I found that most store bought hankies only last through three or four washes. Bandanas last longer.

Fortunately, the solution was staring me in the face. Bandana World also sold handkerchiefs.

I order a dozen of each at a time. That lasts me about a year.

I fold the bandana about like you would expect. But I fold the hanky into triangles. The folded hanky lives in my front pocket with my cell phone.

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