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Get permission

My web publishing history is a little convoluted.

Some of my sites used to be hosted by Apple’s Mobile Me. Before that there were some on Apple’s ,Mac, the predecessor internet service.

These days it’s on on MacHighway, an excellent and reasonable service. Of course one of the first safety rules of websites is always keep your domain registrar and your hosting service with different companies.

While I had stepped back from blogging, MacHighway lost the legacy server. They did transfer my files. But some of them had odd permissions. It’s not something I gave much thought to, it’s just supposed to work.

Except I couldn’t get some of my customized images to display. So today I learned about Unix file permissions and how to change them on the web based File Manager that MacHighway uses. Now I know what to watch out for.

Note to self: make sure the images you want to use have a permission code of 644.

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