Calendar Symbols
It’s a simple visual cue. My rule of thumb is that if an event has a symbol, it probably has a note. It also makes archiving much simpler. And if you don’t have a Macintosh running OS X, you won’t see some of these symbols.
☥ Befores
≠ recognize but do not celebrate
☺︎blog picks and favorites title
❝passing day quotes or one of my lore quotes❞
º comment entry on someone else’s site
✔ completed Task moved to calendar on completion
✗ failed Task moved to calendar after attempt
⇒ customer service issue
➤ meeting & memos
📞 calls
💬 texts
✦ digital purchase (software, ebooks, etc)
✧ physical purchase made online
(Task list until it arrives, then arrival date)
❖ physical purchase made locally
∆ wish list (Task list)
# check number, then item purchased, then seller information in location field
➜ liberty attack
❓questions, usually not sure what was first year of repeating event (location field)
⚛ 🚀 💻 science coolness
⥤ word or phrase of the day
✎ journal entry
◊ repeating event has a note not covered by other symbols