Fonts on my blogs
They aren't the perfect ones (I really, really miss American Typewriter for Pagan Vigil especially) but they are so very easy to work with.
So, for Pagan Vigil, i have h1 set to Merriweather, h2 set to Coustard, and h4 set to IM Fell English.
For Technopagan Yearnings, I have h1 set to IM Fell English, h2 set to Amarante (my newfound lyric and chant font), and h5 and h6 set to Quintessential.
For this site I have #pageHeader h2 set to Kranky, the #sidebarContainer set to Finger Paint, and the .blog-entry-title set to Ribeye Marrow. I set h4, the .blog-entry-date and the to Architects Daughter.