Posted on Sun - August 22, 2010

Readerware tips

A few things about Readerware

It is possible to put in magazines. Rather than re-entering the basic information, hit the "Add" button on an issue that you've already entered and saved. Make the necessary changes, then hit update. That is how I managed to get all 51 issues of Gnosis - A Journal of the Western Inner Traditions put in. Unfortunately, LibraryThing is not as accommodating.

After a lot of experimentation, I found a way to get ratings in which is unique and doesn't totally look stupid. Bullet points • (Option 8) and degree symbols ° (Shift-Option-8) work pretty well as replacements for numbers and/or stars. What's more, they can be copy-pasted to the Dymo Label software without figuring out which fonts support stars.

The various series names that Amazon uses ARE NOT HELPFUL. Most of the time it's something like Book 1 or some such. You can edit the series names by control clicking the series field.

I still can't find a report format I really like. Realistically, I really need the reports so I can save a PDF that Mac OS X can index for Spotlight.

Gnosis was my "example" magazine, it's also the only one I intend to store in one crate. I put a description from this page in the key words field for each issue, and then I lifted the TOC (minus the page numbers) into the notes. That way it's all searchable.

I've gotten used to using the stacks in the dock. I found a tip that if you put a folder whose name starts with "0," that will be the top icon for that stack. Using that, I used a folder called "0-thumbnails are in here" to store aliases of the three Readerware thumbnail files. Once a week I go into iPhoto and delete the contents of my last Readerware import, then I select Empty iPhoto trash. Then I drag all three aliases into my iPhoto Readerware folder. That gives me a screensaver that uses the thumbnails. Yes, I stole that idea from the iTunes Artwork screensaver. I usually have to quit iPhoto once or twice before the screensaver is available.

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