Posted on Sun - July 30, 2006

DateBk6 (beta) on the Palm TX - Review

When the time came to install DateBk on my new TX, I read some of the reviews of DateBk6. Even if it was in beta, users were raving about it. So I took the jump and upgraded myself. Of course, I had to hold off reviewing it until I had a chance to experiment with the features some.

DateBk6 is fabulous, there is just no other way to put it. I am still getting used to using it but I am very impressed by what I have seen so far.

I love the new @ location symbol, it lets me fit more in per page while still keeping an easy way to track where I need to be. A little bit of forethought and some <symbols> even lets me keep virtual links for PhoneMagic.

The new Today view is awesome, although I wish it were more configurable.

And of course you can do custom fonts and colors, just like in the previous version.

My one and only gripe is that DateBk6 also has a custom alarm handler which doesn't seem to work with TechSounds.

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