Posted on Mon - July 10, 2006

Palm Software - Some Desk Accessories

Way back in the with the first Macintosh computers, Desk Accessories were very small specialized programs that you could launch without having to exit the main application. So if you were in a word processor and you needed some quick calculations, you could call up the calculator, punch in a few numbers, and copy/paste the result in your document. These were the early days of Macintosh when memory and storage were at a premium and the OS was not multithreaded. Well, it looks like some programers have borrowed that idea for the Palm platform, which isn't multithreaded yet.

Palm DAs are small programs that do not intercept system calls like Palm hacks, but can run on the current application, depending on memory. These look extremely interesting, and here are some of the ones that have leapt out so far.

DA Launcher - Have to have one of these, and this seems to be the most stable.

To Do DA - Making To Do items from other applications

Bookmark DA - This looks like it will track favorites of specific memos, addresses, or to do items. It has possibilities.

AutoOffDAs - temporarily extends the auto-off time.

DonCal - of course I need a DA calculator, in the spirit of Macintoshes that have gone before.

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