Posted on Mon - April 12, 2010

Domestic, esoteric, and business

Moving to three accounts on two computers and an iPad

Now that my iPad is here, I'm redoing my workflow.

Even though I had an account under my legal name on MaKai, my trusty iMac, I'd gotten out of the habit of using it except in the most general way. Important emails were forwarded to one of my NeoWayland addys, and I did most of my computer work in the sanctum using the NeoWayland account.

Meanwhile I was doing some business for my design/donsulting firm using my old iBook, but I was still doing the creative work in the sanctum.

So my sanctum was becoming home to both my frustrations and my creativity.

So once I got news of my iPad, I decided to rethink everything.

I'd scan regular mail and headlines in my living room.

My iBook would still do presentations and I would use it some at the-job-that-pays-the-bills.

My creative and esoteric I'd do in the sanctum.

This meant I'd be using three sets of calendars, three sets of contacts, and three sets of notes among three accounts on two computers and my iPad. In addition, some of those notes, calendars, and contacts would have to be synchronized between accounts. Difficult, but not impossible. It would take a bit to set up.

The iPad would handle most of the domestic from my living room. The iBook would handle most of the business contact and presentation. My iMac would handle blogging, esoterics, and double as backup for the other two.

Now I am not real comfortable with the whole bit of cloud computing. I especially didn't like the idea of certain calendars visible to everyone. My Kin calendar has full names and relationships. Considering how many times certain Biblical names crop up again and again in my maternal line, I need something to identify them. Enter BusyCal , which I am experimenting with, assuming I can get some of my old calendars deleted now that I have moved them to another account.

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