Posted on Sun - September 17, 2006

Neowayland dot Net Mac 10.4 Update

Nothing much new functionally with this minor update, just a couple of changes so it works with the pathnames in 10.4. It tests to see if the iDisk is mounted, deletes an existing file from the iDisk, and replaces it with a file from the computer. It still makes the call to an alias to avoid embedding the iDisk password in the script. Otherwise it is a simple script.

tell application "Finder"
set iDisk to 0
if disk "neowayland" exists then
set iDisk to 1
open file "Sites:neowaylanddotnet:disk of i" of home
if disk "neowayland" exists then
set iDisk to 1
say "i disk not available"
end if
end if
if iDisk > 0 then
if file "index.html" of folder "Sites" of disk "neowayland" exists then
delete file "index.html" of folder "Sites" of disk "neowayland"
say "website is missing"
end if
duplicate file "Sites:neowaylanddotnet:index.html" of home to folder "Sites" of disk "neowayland"
say "nee owayland dot net is ready"
if process "Safari" exists then
tell application "Safari"
open location ""
end tell
end if
say "not even. You aren't networked"
end if
if iDisk = 1 then
eject disk "neowayland"
end if
end tell

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