Posted on Wed - September 6, 2006

Macintosh OS 10.4 version of backup and restore - Revised

Well, I took the plunge, got a decent backup of my iBook and iMac, and upgraded from Mac OS 10.39 to Mac OS 10.47.

Then I discovered that my old backup and restore scripts didn't work.

These are going to get changed anyway, I am going to be migrating from Palm Desktop to Address Book, iCal, and the Memos application of The Missing Sync. I just haven't done it yet and I want things on my two computers to match.

I am still wondering why Dot Mac Sync can't include other files.

Just once I would like to have Applescripts work between OS revisions without having to change the syntax.

Here's the new new Time Folder backup.

with timeout of 900 seconds
tell application "Finder"
set mike to 0
if disk "MaCei HD" exists then
set mike to "Cei"
say "mak kay eye mak project files"
end if
if disk "Artus iBook" exists then
set mike to "AiB"
say "artus eye book project files"
end if
if mike = 0 then
say "I am confuzzled. I don't recognize the disks"
end if
if process "Palm Desktop" exists then
say "Palm Desktop is quitting"
tell application "Palm Desktop"
end tell
say "Palm Desktop already safe"
end if
if process "iBlog" exists then
say "Local web logs are quitting"
tell application "iBlog"
end tell
say "Local web logs already safe"
end if
tell application "Finder" to duplicate folder "Library:Application Support:iBlog" of home to folder "Sites:put in library-application support" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to duplicate file "Library:Preferences:com.lifli.iBlog.plist" of home to folder "Sites:put in library-preferences" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to duplicate folder "Pictures:webgrfx" of home to folder "Sites" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to duplicate file "Documents:safe" of home to folder "Documents:MiscBU" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to duplicate file "Documents:Sentinal" of home to folder "Documents:MiscBU" of home replacing yes
if the day of (the current date) < 10 then
set dom to "0" & the day of (the current date)
set dom to the day of (the current date)
end if
if the month of (the current date) = January then
set mnt to "Jan"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = February then
set mnt to "Feb"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = March then
set mnt to "Mar"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = April then
set mnt to "Apr"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = May then
set mnt to the month of (the current date)
end if
if the month of (the current date) = June then
set mnt to "Jun"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = July then
set mnt to "Jul"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = August then
set mnt to "Aug"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = September then
set mnt to "Sep"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = October then
set mnt to "Oct"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = November then
set mnt to "Nov"
end if
if the month of (the current date) = December then
set mnt to "Dec"
end if
set y_r to the year of (the current date)
set timestamp to the time of (the current date)
set neuname to mike & "=" & dom & mnt & y_r & "•" & timestamp
make new folder at folder "Desktop" of home with properties {name:neuname}
make new folder at folder neuname of folder "Desktop" of home with properties {name:"xfer"}
duplicate folder "theProjects" of folder "Projects" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Library:Scripts" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Documents:Palm" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Sites:put in library-application support" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Sites:put in library-preferences" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Sites:iBlog" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Sites:webgrfx" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Sites:neowaylanddotnet" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "Sites:frame pages" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate file "Documents:safe" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate file "Documents:Sentinal" of home to folder "xfer" of folder neuname
duplicate folder "xfer" of folder neuname to folder "Documents:currents" of home replacing yes
tell application "Disk Utility"
end tell
say "I'm ready to make an image from the folder."
end tell
end timeout

And here is the new xfer script. Watch for updates as I migrate away from Palm Desktop. REVISED - "Move" works much faster than "duplicate."

tell application "Finder"
set XferState to 0
if folder "Desktop:xfer" of home exists then
display dialog "Are you sure? This will overwrite your existing project files and it will log out of this account." buttons {"NEVER", "Go for it!"} default button "NEVER"
set XferState to (button returned of result)
if XferState is "Go for it!" then
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:theProjects" of home to folder "Projects" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Documents:Palm" of home to trash
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:Palm" of home to folder "Documents" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:put in library-application support:iBlog" of home to folder "Library:Application Support" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move file "Desktop:xfer:put in library-preferences:com.lifli.iBlog.plist" of home to folder "Library:Preferences" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:iBlog" of home to folder "Sites" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:webgrfx" of home to folder "Pictures" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:neowaylanddotnet" of home to folder "Sites" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:frame pages" of home to folder "Sites" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move file "Desktop:xfer:safe" of home to folder "Documents" of home replacing yes
tell application "Finder" to move file "Desktop:xfer:Sentinal" of home to folder "Documents" of home replacing yes
if folder "Library:Scripts" of home exists then
delete folder "Library:Scripts" of home
end if
tell application "Finder" to move folder "Desktop:xfer:Scripts" of home to folder "Library" of home
delete folder "Desktop:xfer" of home
say "All files updated. Now logging out."
tell application "System Events"
log out
end tell
say "Canceling updates"
end if
say "Nothing on the desktop to transfer"
end if
end tell

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